We at NorthWinds Church seek to daily live out our mission of loving and leading people to experience abundant life in Christ. We understand that everyone’s life journey looks a little different; most of us have spent considerable time seeking to “live it up” in ways that led to an empty and unfulfilled life. If that sounds like a familiar journey…maybe even your journey…then Jesus invites you to experience a truly fulfilled life through a personal relationship with Him. Whether you’re currently on the journey of living it up Jesus’ way or you’re just curious or even skeptical about what that looks like, we invite you to share your journey with us as we share our journey with you.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – Jesus


Some people say “I’ll love you to death”; at NorthWinds, we like to say “we’ll love you to life” (eternal life and abundant life). Regardless of where you are on life’s journey or your journey of faith, our desire is to show you the unconditional love that Christ has shown to us. If you’re messed up…well, you’ll fit right in and we’ll love you through your messiness and rejoice in seeing God bring about your abundant life. If you’ve been faithfully walking with the Lord, we’ll love you as that relationship deepens, and you invest in the lives of others.

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Jesus


NorthWinds is a dynamic contemporary church that places a high value on the Word of God and its relevance to every aspect of life. Our pastor loves to see the Word of God come alive in the hearts and minds of those who hear it taught.

We seek to be creative in our teaching, worship and outreach, knowing that no one method or style is perfect or will appeal to everyone. God has designed us as complex and diverse individuals and we celebrate the work that He is doing in and through His people.

“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” – the Apostle Paul

© Copyright 2024 – NorthWinds Church