At NorthWinds Church, we want to make it easy for you to connect with God and with others. Our church is designed to be an open community, where anyone can take steps to know Christ more and help others do the same. Take a moment to learn how NorthWinds can help you go to the next level in your walk with Christ and engage the community around you.


Learn more about becoming a member of NorthWinds Church. If you are interested in becoming a member of the church, you can speak to any one of our leaders or mark your ConnectCard and drop it in the offering basket or collection boxes.


NorthWinds in Nine exists to give anyone a clear understanding of our church, an overview of what we believe, and the process for leadership and/or serving in ministry at NorthWinds Church. Take nine minutes to learn about NorthWinds. It’s a great place to start if you are new to our church.


Life Groups are the heart of NorthWinds Church. Everyone needs a connection with other Christ-followers. Dive into a life group today! If you are interested in a life group, you can speak to any one of our leaders or mark your ConnectCard and drop it in the offering basket or collection boxes.

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